Tuesday, 3 September 2013

So Happy Together

Jeff and I look so forward to the Wednesdays when his children come back home, and we get to all be together for the next 7 days.  Alyssa is always super excited as well, and looks forward to a week of spending time with her step-sisters and step-brothers.  She enjoys sharing a room with Emma, and the two of them play together for hours on end.  It is so good.  God is so good.  Our family is blessed by Him, every day.

From the fullness of His grace we have all received one blessing after another.  
~John 1:16

And now, I would like to take the time to honor this man right here.

Jeff is a man who loves Jesus, reads his Bible every day, prays alone, prays with our kids, prays with me.  He works hard and provides wonderfully for our family of 7.  He takes out the garbage, feeds the cat, takes the dog for walks.  He says that he enjoys doing laundry and dishes, and helps out with these tasks often.  He is one awesome cook (move over, Bobby Flay!) and often makes delicious meals for us.  He loves our kids, and spends quality time with each one of them.  He loves me, and makes sure that I feel loved by him every day.  There are so many more amazing qualities I could list, and I'm certain that this blog could not contain them all.

Jeff, you are a truly wonderful husband, and I love you with all of my heart.  Thank you for 
everything you do, and I thank God every day for the amazing man that you are.

1 comment:

  1. I'm so happy you're together too!
    Wonderful blog, Cheryl!
