Kay, here are a few thing-a-ma-jigs on my mind, right at this moment. That's right folks, this is coming to you......live!!!
Emma made up a song about Lake Minnewasta, and when I took Alyssa and her friend Amber camping there a few days ago, they sang it about a billion times. The song goes like this:
"Lake Minnewasta
smells like fish pee
I think there's a part of me
in Lake Minnewasta."
Also, today Alyssa and Emma were making diapers for adults using old pantyhose, and they also fashioned a stylish white version for our dog Charlie. Poor, poor Charlie.....
Right now, Elliot, Griffin, Emma, and a friend are watching the movie Supersize Me. And they're pigging out on popcorn and candy. AWESOME!!!!!!
Jeff and I have a major punch-buggy match that's been going since we were dating. I am so obsessed with "bugs" that I have now started to dream about them. In the last dream I had, I owned a black one.
For some odd reason, I strongly dislike the movie Despicable Me, and the kids think I'm crazy.
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