Today as I sat by the pool while Elliot, Emma and Griffin had their swimming lessons, I was thumbing through Jeff's Message Bible. I kept flipping it open to Proverbs, and I found a passage that really spoke to me.
Proverbs 2:10-14 Lady Wisdom will be your close friend, and Brother Knowledge your pleasant companion. Good Sense will scout ahead for danger, Insight will keep an eye out for you. They'll keep you from making wrong turns, or following the bad directions of those who are lost themselves and can't tell a trail from a tumbleweed.
Today, Bryce, Elliot, Emma and Griffin went back to their Mom's. They'd been with us for the past 7 days, and now they'll be gone for 7. This up and down, yin yang pattern is proving to be quite difficult for me. Toss in the fact that every other weekend Alyssa is in Winnipeg at her Dad's, and I kind of feel like a juggler at the circus. Except I keep dropping balls and watch them roll away from me, or I throw them up way too high and they conk me on the noggin. And sometimes it feels as though everyone's watching me. I'm in the center ring, and a hushed audience is staring at me intently, silently wondering if and when I'm gonna screw up big time.
It's in moments like these that I feel like I'm chasing tumbleweeds. I'm desperately trying to stay on the normal trail, but then 4 kids leave, and the sudden change makes me feel lost. I've never been particularly good with change. I actually really suck at it. But...being part of a blended family means constant change. Hmmmmm. Are you sure you can handle this Cheryl?
Well, I sure can't handle it on my own. I am so very glad that I have an amazing God who sticks by me. Who speaks to me through His word. Who carries me when I feel weak. Who picks me up when I stumble, and redirects me when I start chasing tumbleweeds. Who has blessed me with a wonderful husband who is a man of God, and loves, cares for, and supports me.
God, please give me Your wisdom today. Help me through the dark, brambly woods that I find myself in right now, and lead me back to Your sunlit trail. Amen.
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